Sequoya Apartments
Sequoya Apartments in Shabbona, Illinois, was first occupied in 1980. It was constructed as housing for the elderly and consists of 3 buildings, each with 4 units. It provides housing in 9 one-bedroom apartments and 3 two-bedroom apartments for the elderly and/or disabled individuals or couples ONLY. This property receives rental subsidies from HUD. Income eligible households pay 30% of their adjusted income for rent.
Amenity Package
Sequoya Apartments offers 1- and 2-bedroom apartments and is located in quaint rural Shabbona, conveniently located near banks, a grocery store, and Shabbona State Park.
- 24/7 Emergency Maintenance Service
- Property Manager M-F 8:30 – 4:30
- Onsite Laundry with Coin-Operated Washers and Dryers
- Individual Heat and Air Conditioning Units
- Certain Pets Welcome with Deposit
- Smoke Free effective June 1, 2014
Transportation Information
Ample parking for residents and visitors
Public Transportation is not readily available
15 Sequoya St
Shabbona, IL, 60550
Phone: 815-758-2692
Fax: 815-758-4190